April 15, 2014

Greetings 1

Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 21 Version 7

    Main Definitions          

  1. greeting 1 |n| |pl: greetingsl (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting)
  2. "The traditional Muslim greeting is "Salaam"."
  3. greeting 2 |n| a word of welcome or recognition.
  4. "I said "Good morning!",but she didn't return the greeting."
  5. greeting 3 |n| a greeting is something friendly that you say or do when you meet someone.
  6. "He raised a hand in greeting."
  7. salutation |n| something that you say to welcome or say hello to somebody.
  8. "They greeted the newcomers with friendly salutations."
  9. hail |v| to call to somebody in order to say hello to them or attract their attention.
  10. "A voice hailed us from the other side of the street."

    Ways to Say Hello

  1. "Hi"
  2. "Hello"!
  3. "Hi there!"
  4. "Hello there!"
  5. "Hey how are you doing?"
  6. "Howdy!"
  7. "Howdy friend!" |US|
  8. "What’s up?"
  9. "How’s it going?"
  10. "Wow, it’s good to see you!"
  11. How are you? Answer: "I am fine."

      Ways To Say Goodbye

  1. "Bye!"
  2. "Bye for now!"
  3. "Bye-bye!"
  4. "Catch you later!"
  5. "Cheerio!"
  6. "Farewell!"
  7. "Good bye!"
  8. "See ya!"
  9. "See you later!"
  10. "Later!"
  11. "See you!" (soon)
  12. "See you again!"
  13. "See you around!"
  14. "See you tomorrow!"
  15. "So long!"
  16. "Take care!"
  17. "Ta-ra!"
  18. "Ta-ta!"
  19. "Ta-ta for now!"
  20. "Until next time we meet!"
  21. "We speak!"

    Basic Greetings

  1. "Good morning!"
  2. "Good afternoon!"
  3. "Good evening!"
  4. "Good night!"

     Double Greetings

  1. "Hi there. Hey how are you doing?"
  2. "Hello how have you been?"
  3. "It’s good to see you, how life been treating you?"

    Night Greetings

  1. "Good night!"
  2. °Dream of me!°
  3. °Have a good sleep!°
  4. "Night, night!" |inf|
  5. "Nighty night!"
  6. "Sleep Tight!"
  7. "Sleep Well!"
  8. "Sweet Dreams!"
  9. "Until Tomorrow!"

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