April 15, 2014


Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 40 v.12

         Main Definitions

  1. marriage / matrimony / union / spousal relationship / wedlock |n| a legally accepted relationship between a woman and a man in which they live as husband and wife, or the official ceremony which results in this.
  2. "They had a long and happy marriage."
  3. espousal |n| archaic term for a wedding or wedding feast.
  4. wedding |n| a ceremony in which two people get married, especially one with a religious service.
  5. "We had our wedding in the local church."
  6. honeymoon |n| a holiday taken by two people who have just got married.
  7. "We're going to Barbados for our honeymoon."

         Some Kinds of Marriages

  1. civil marriage |n| a marriage performed by a government official, as distinguished from a member of the clergy.
  2. church marriage |n| a marriage solemnized in a church according to religious rituals.
  3. gay marriage |n| the union of two same-sex partners (also called  same-sex marriage).
  4. same-sex marriage |n| (also known as gay marriage) Is marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or gender identity. Supporters of legal recognition for same-sex marriage typically refer to such recognition as marriage equality.
  5. arranged marriage |n| a marriage planned and agreed by the families or guardians of the couple concerned.
  6. marraige of convenience |n| a marriage or joint undertaking arranged for political, economic, or social benefit rather than from personal attachment.


  1. banns / banns of marriage / ban |n| public announcement of intended marriage.
  2. "Before the banns the future partners have to make a pledge."
  3. "Upon publication of the banns, the bride and groom are requested to state their chosen matrimonial property regime."
  4. to consummate |v| make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.
  5. "His first wife refused to consummate their marriage"
  6. "To consummate one's marriage."
  7. dating agency |UK| dating service |US| |n| an organization which introduces people with similar interests to each other, especially people who want to start a romantic or sexual relationship with someone.
  8. "She met her husband through a dating agency."
  9. divorce / divorcement |n| the legal dissolution of a marriage.
  10. "The couple divorced after only 6 months."
  11. "They got divorced after only ten months of marriage."
  12. remarry |v| marry again.
  13. "He remarried shortly after his wife's death."
  14. separate |v| to start to live apart from yur husband or wife because of problems in our marriage
  15. "My parents separated when I was six and divorced a couple of years later."
  16. widowhood |n| the state of being a widow who has not remarries.
  17. "Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood."


  1. couple |n| a pair of people who live together.
  2. "A married couple from Chicago."
  3. match |n| a pair of people who live together.

         She or He

  1. mate / spouse / married person / better half |n| a person's partner in marriage.
  2. partner |n| the person you live with and have a sexual relationship with.
  3. "He lives with his partner Ruth and their eight-month-old son."


  1. husband / married man|n| a man joined to a woman in marriage; a male spouse.
  2. "She confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring."
  3. hubby |n| |pl hubbies| |inf| a married man; a husband;  a woman partner in marriage. 
  4. "She and her hubby are both doctors."
  5. "She went out, leaving hubby to put the kids to bed.".


  1. consort |n| usually, a wife whose husband is living.
  2. wife / married woman |n| |pl wives| a woman joined to a man in marriage; a female spouse.
  3. "We had dinner with our director and his charming wife."
  4. spouse |n| |formal| your spouse is your husband or wife.
  5. "The rule applies to spouses and children of military personnel."

         More Terms

  1. divorcee |n| a woman who is divorced.
  2. "The Prince announced his intention to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee."
  3. ex wife |n| a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife.
  4. ex husband |n| a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband
  5. estranged wife / husband |n| |formal| someone's estranged husband or wife is one who they do not live with anymore.
  6. "She is trying to get her son's back from her estranged husband."
  7. match maker / matcher / marriage broker |n| someone who tries to arranged marriages or romantic relationships between people.
  8. "Perhaps we should do a little bit of matchmaking and introduce them."

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