
April 15, 2014


Thematic Vocabulary Unit Nº 35 v.6

          Main Definitions about Quantities 

  1. amount 1 / sum |n| a quantity of money.
  2. “He borrowed a large sum.”
  3. “The amount he had in cash was insufficient.”
  4. amount 2 / sum / total |n| a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers.
  5. amount 3 |n| the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion.
  6. “An adequate amount of food for four people.”
  7. “Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.”
  8. “A tiny amount of poison.”
  9. amount 4 / measure / quantity |n| how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify.
  10. “Her action amounted to a rebellion.”
  11. “This idea will never amount to anything.”
  12. quantity 1 |n| the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable.
  13. “Make sure that you add the right quantity of milk.”
  14. “They buy the wood in large quanities.”
  15. quantity 2 |n| an adequate or large amount.
  16. “He had a quantity of ammunition.”
  17. “It is a product that is cheap to produce in large quantities.”
  18. quantity 3 |n| how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify.
  19. sum 1 / sum of money / amount of money |n| a quantity of money.
  20. sum 2 / union / join |n| a set containing all and only the member of two or more given sets.
  21. “Let C be the union of the sets A and B.”
  22. sum 3 / summation / sum total |n| the final aggregate
  23. “The sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered.”
  24. sum 4 / kernel / substance / core / center / essence /heart |n| the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience.
  25. sum 5 / amount / total |n| a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers.
  26. sum 6 / total / totality / aggregate |n| the whole amount.

          Quantities Determiners

  1. volume |n| the amount of something such as business activity or traffic, especially when this is large or increasing.
  2. “The volume of traffic on our roads has risen sharply.”
  3. “The huge volume of trade with China.”
  4. level |n| the exact amount of something at one time, which can go up or down at other times.
  5. “They measured the level of alcohol in his blood.”
  6. “There is a high level of unemployment.”
  7. proportion |n| the amount of something compared with the whole amount that exists.
  8. “The  proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers.”
  9. “A high proportion of the students are from poor families.”
  10. quota |n| a maximum amount of something that can be produced, sold, brought into a country etc.
  11. “Import quotas on Japanese cars.”
  12. yield |n| the amount of something that is produced, especially crops.
  13. “This year’s cotton yield.”

          Small Quantities

  1. bit |n| a small piece, quantity, or extent of something.
  2. “She look a bit like my sister.”
    “I feel a bit better now.”
  3. “I think you’re a bit too young to be watching this”
  4. little |adj| small in size, amount, or degree.
  5. “My little brother”
  6. “A cake decorated with little flowers.”
  7. small |n| of a size that is less than normal or usual
  8. “A small town.” (un coche pequeño.”
  9. “The sweater comes in three sizes, small, medium, and large.”
  10. “Very small amount.”

          Big Quantities

  1. They had to pay a large sum of money.
  2. “There were a large number of books.”
  3. a lot / lots / much / very much |adv| to a very great degree or extent.
  4. loads of (something) much of something.
  5. “She’s a good student and has a load of friends.”
  6. “There was loads of food.”
  7. tons of (something)|fam| lots of something.
  8. “There were tons of flowers.”
  9. “We got tons of fied chicken.”
  10. “You are in tons of trouble.”

           Total Amounts

  1. entire 1 |adj| used when you want to emphasize that you mean all of a group, period of time amount, etc.
  2. “The entire staff agreed.”
  3. entire 2 |adj| whole or complete, with nothing missing.
  4. “Have you drunk the entire bottle.”
  5. full |adj| containing the maximum possible amount.
  6. whole |n| a thing that is complete in itself.


  1. dozen |n| a group or set of twelve.
  2. a dozen bottles of sherry
  3. half |n| either of two equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided.
  4. "One and a half hours are allowed for the exam."
  5. quarter |n| each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided.
  6. "She cut each apple into quarters."