Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 016 v.10
Main Definitions
- street 1 |n| paved part of road in a village or a town.
- "She lives just a few streets away."
- street 2 |n| a road in a town, with houses or shops on each side.
- "He was stopped by the police, driving the wrong way down a one-way street."
- street 3 |n| the part of the thoroughfare on wich vehicles travel.
- road |n| a hard surface for cars, buses etc to drive on.
- "They're planning to build a new road."
- thoroughfare |n| a public road from one place to another.
- "A cavernous building on Santiago's mainthoroughfare, the Alameda, its restoration after a fire is the most ambitious public works project of the bicentenary."
- avenue |UK| |n| in the UK, streets are usually called avenue.

Main Streets
- high street |n| |UK| the main commercial and retail street in a town. In big cities, each neighborhood or district will probably have its own high street. In a small village, the high street may have little more than a mail box, a public pay phone and a small convenience store and a pub.
- main street |n| |US| the most prominent street of a town, usually where the principal shops and businesses are situated.
- pedestrian zone / auto-free zone / car-free zone |n| an area of a city or town reserved for pedestrian only use and in which some or all automobile traffic may be prohibited.

- avenue 1 |n| a wide street or thoroughfare.
- avenue 2 |UK| |n| a wide straight road with trees on both sides.
- "The busy avenue in front of the cathedral."
- boulevard 1 |n| a wide road in a city or town.
- boulevard 2 |US| |n| used specially in street names in the US, France, etc.
- boulevard 3 |n| a wide road in a town or city, often with trees along it.

Side Streets
- side street |n| a minor or unimportant street, esp one leading off a main thoroughfare.
- "He is only excited everyday because he feeds the cats living in a nearby side street."
- "If you specify the town and street without specifying a house number or side street, the navigation system will calculate a route to the center of the street entered."
- cul-de-sac |n| a short street which is closed at one end.
- "The house is situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in North Oxford."
- by-street / byway 1 |n| a separate, private, or obscure street; an out of the way or cross street.
- "On turning a corner into a by-street that bore the proud name of Fairfax, we came suddenly upon Roger the Rhymer."
- "At the corner of a by-street Peter said: "We'll go down here."
- byway 2 |UK| |n| a byway in the United Kingdom is a track, often rural, which is too minor to be called a road. These routes are often unsurfaced, typically having the appearance of 'green lanes'. Despite this, it is legal (but may not be physically possible) to drive any type of vehicle along certain byways, the same as any ordinary tarmac road.
- restricted byway |n| in 2000 the legal term 'restricted byway' was introduced to cover rights of way along which it is legal to travel by any mode (including on foot, bicycle, horse-drawn carriage etc.) but excluding 'mechanically propelled vehicles'.

Streets Elements
- street corner |n| a place where streets meet.
- "Youths were standing around on street corners."
- street light / street lamp |n| a light at the top of a tall post in the street.
- "It was getting dark, and the streets lamps were already on."
- street sign |n| a sign visible from the street.
- traffic sign / road sign |n| a sign erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to road users.
- traffic light / stoplight / traffic signal |n| a road signal for directing vehicular traffic by means of colored lights, typically red for stop, green for go, and yellow for proceed with caution.
- zebra crossing |n| a set of black and white lines across a road showing where vehicles must stop when people want to cross the road.

More Related to Streets
- bridge |n| a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross and obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
- ramp |n| a slope or inclined plane for joining two different levels, as at the entrance or between floors of a building.
- "A wheelchair ramp."
- span |n| a structure carrying a road, path, or railway across a river, road, etc.
- tunnel |n| a passageway through or under something, usually underground.
- "The tunnel reduced congestion at that intersection."

Street Materials
- tarmac |n| used for a paving material made of layers of crushed stone covered with tar.
- surfaced / paved road |adj| a road that has a gravel surface, oiled gravel, chip seal, tarmac, or concrete.
- unsurfaced / unpaved / dirt road |adj| a road or path not provided with a durable upper later.
- dirty road |adj| A dirt road or track is a type of unpaved road made from the native material of the land surface through which it passes, known to highway engineers as subgrade material.