Main Definitions
- adulthood |n| the part of someone's life when they are an adult.
- "A step towards adulthood."
- manhood |n| the state of being a man and no longer a boy.
- "He had barely reached manhood when he married."
- "America's manhood."
- "Tall, square-jawed and handsome, this young actor is Hollywood's ideal of manhood."
- womanhood |n| the state of being a woman, or the period of time when someone is a woman.
- "The novel deals with a teenage girl's journey towards womanhood."
- "Brigitte Bardot was the dominant image of womanhood in French cinema during the 1960s."
- "He watched his daughters grow to womanhood."
- adult life |n| the part of someone's life when they are an adult.

Terms Related
- man |n| an adult human male.
- "The man from the BBC wrote some positive things about the film."
- "Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall blond man standing at the bar."
- "Jon has developed from a sophisticated young man."
- woman |n| an adult female person.
- "A young woman with dark brown hair."
- female |n| |formal| a woman (used especially when you are giving information about women, for example in formal surveys and reports).
- "Females account for 46% of Internet users."
- adult |n| a fully-grown person, or one who is considered to be legally responsible for their actions.
- "He lived most of his adult life in Scotland."
- "That wasn't very adult of you."
- "The film is rated R for language and adult themes."
- "An adult under British law is someone over 18 years old."
- middle-age |n| the period after early adulthood and before old age, about 45 to 60.
- "Once you reach middle age, you have to be sensible with your health."
- "He settled into comfortable middle age."
- "She had her first child well into middle age."
- youthful |adj| |especially written| seeming young, or typical of someone who is young (often used about someone who is no longer young).
- "Andrew still has a slim youthful look about him."
- "The photograph showed a youthful, smiling Rose."
- grown-up |n| fully developed.
- "A grown woman."
- puerile |n| an insulting word, because it is so often used to describe adults who display the immature behaviour of a child (a puerile against his aging parents).

Post Related
- Life Stages
- Childhood
- Age of People
- Genealogy
- Personal Background
- Family
- Family Roots
- Families Classification
- Dating
- Weddings
- Marriage
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