July 22, 2014


Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 264 v.02

     Main Definitions

  1. youthhood |n| the quality or state of being a youth; the period of youth.
  2. youth 1 |n| the period between childhood and adult age.
  3. "Despite his youth, he had travelled alone."
  4. youth 2 |n| the period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager.
  5. "I was a fairly good football player in my youth."
  6. "The youth of today."
  7. young |adj| having lived or existed for only a short time and not old.
  8. "Young people today."
  9. "A young man of about 22."
  10. "Young people are often unable to get job."

     More Related

  1. girl |n| a young female person usually used about someone younger than about twenty.
  2. "A very pretty girl."
  3. "Teenage girls."
  4. girly/girlie |n| |informal| behaving or dressing in a way that is thought to be typical of young girls, or suitable for a girl (often used disapprovingly).
  5. "Stop being so girly! It's only a mouse!"
  6. "A very girlie pink dress."
  7. heyday |n| the time when someone or something was most popular, successful, or powerful.
  8. "Greta Garbo in her heyday."
  9. "She was in the heyday of youth when an accident ended it all."
  10. "To keep one’s youthful looks."

  1. salad days |n| 
  2. the period when one is young and inexperienced.
  3. "The war seemed to be ending and so were my salad days."
  4. youthfulness |adj| young or seeming young.
  5. "Here the old stones cohabit with youthfulness and, day and night alike, many students give life to the city."
  6. "An analysis of the age structure reveals the youthfulness of the population: the average age is 22, and 42.7 per cent of the population are under 15."
  7. "Youthfulness no obstacle to business success."

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