March 06, 2015


Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 063 v.2

         Main Definitions
  1. cloud |n| a white or grey mass in the sky that forms from very small drops of water.
  2. "The storm was still a way off but black clouds were gathering."
  3. "Thick cloud obscured the top of the hill."
  4. fog 1 |n| a cloud like mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility.
  5. "We get heavy fogs on this coast in winter."
  6. "The cars crashed into each other in thick fog."
  7. fog 2 |n| any darkened state of the atmosphere, or the diffused substance that causes it.
  8. "A blanket of fog covered the fields."
  9. "A dense fog came down in the afternoon."
  10. fog 3 |n| a mixture consisting of liquid particles dispersed in a gaseous medium.
  11. "A freezing fog rolled in from the coast." 
  12. "The fog had lifted by late morning."
  13. mist |n| a thin fog with condensation near the ground.
  14. "A figure emerged from the mist."
  15. "A fine mist floated over the fields."
  16. haze |n| smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through.
  17. "He saw the horses coming towards him through a haze of dust."
  18. "The road shimmered in the heat haze."
  19. smog |n| dirty hair that looks like a misture of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities.
  20. "The city is covered in smog for much of the year."
  21. "A smog warming was issued for parts of Southern Oregon."
  22. murk |n| an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some subsance.
  23. "it was foggy and the sun shone feebly through the murk."
  24. pea-soup 1 |n| a heavy thick yellow fog.
  25. pea-soup 2 |n| a thick yellow heavy-smelling fog.
  26. thundercloud |n| a large dark cloud that you see before or during a storm.
  27. "He watched the thunderclouds roll across the valley."
  28. vapour trail |UK| / vapor trail  |US|n| the white line that is left in the sky by a plane.
  29. "High overhead, a jet left its vapour trail across the blue sky."

      Relavite Terms

  1. fog bank |n| a thick cloud of fog, especially at sea.
  2. thick |n| the busiest or most crowded part of something; the middle of something.
  3. "The thick of battle"
  4. condensation

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