
March 02, 2015

Family Relationship

Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 60 v.10

      Main Definitions

    1. family relationship |n| relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption
    2. "So is allowing sufficient time off for maternity and paternity leave, and time off to maintain family relationships and doing family matters."
    3. "Some of my family relationships changed for good, as I was branded untrustworthy."
    4. "One of the differences I see among Latino families and White families is that generally speaking Latinos value family relationships over education."
    5. "Those with family relationships that would allow entry include grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins of people in the United States."
    6. kin |n| related.
    7. "He was kin to the brothers."
    8. kinship 1 |n| blood relationship.
    9. "Likewise there is no established framework of social relations, such as kinship , which people can be slotted into."
    10. kinship 2 / relationship |n| relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption.
    11. "A boy of Jamaican parentage."
    12. related |adj| allied by nature, origin, kinship, marriage, etc.

        Family Relationship Elements

    1. affinity |n| relationship by marriage or by ties other than those of blood.
    2. consanguinity |n| relationship by descent from a common ancestor.
    3. blood line |n| the descendants of one individual.
    4. filiation |n| the f act or condition of being a son or daughter.
    5. lineage |n| lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.
    6. "He can also claim lineage to Thyagaraja's direct disciples through various ancestors."
    7. parentage |n| the identity and origins of one's parents.

          The Ancestors

    1. ancestor 1 / forebear / forbear |n| a member of your family who lived a long time ago, especially hundreds of years ago, 
    2. "My ancestors originally came from Ireland."
    3. "During the festival of Obon, Japanese show respect to their dead ancestors."
    4. "One cannot hope to rise or succeed in the world unless one's forebears had the requisite abilities."
    5. ancestor 2 |n| a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
    6. "My ancestor Admiral Anson circumnavigated the globe 250 years ago."
    7. "His pen name was derived from his illustrious ancestor."
    8. ascendant |n| an ancestor or relative in the ascending line.
    9. collateral ancestor |n| belong to the same ancestral stock. 
    10. common ancestor |n| ancestor shared by any two people.
    11. forefather |n| |especially written| a member of the past generations of one's family or people; an ancestor.
    12. "His forefathers came to America over a century ago."
    13. "Generations of his forefathers had worked as miners, loyal to the union and at major risk of terrible injuries as they worked the kingdom's coal seams."
    14. "His forefathers helped settle this area a century and a half ago."

          The Descendants

    1. descendent |n| someone who is a relative of a person who lived and died a long time ago, especially a famous or important person.
    2. "Frederick and Bertha moved to Iowa in 1852, and their descendants still live in the area."
    3. "Paul claims to be a descendant of King Charles I."
    4. "Shakespeare's last direct descendant."
    5. lineal descendant |n| a blood relative in the direct line 
    6. of descent (the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. of a 
    7.  person).
    8. collateral descendant |n| is a legal term for a relative descended from a 
    9. brother or sister of an ancestor, and thus a niece, nephew, or cousin.

          Other People

    1. collateral relative |n| any blood relative who is not your direct ancestor. So your ancestors are your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., and your collateral relatives are cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc.
    2. in-law |n| a relative by marriage.
    3. "Brother in law, mother in law, father in law, son in law."
    4. "Paddy is mourned by his sister, cousins, neighbours, in-laws , relatives and friends."
    5. progenya / offspring |n| descendant or the descendants of a person.
    6. "The progeny of mixed marriages."
    7. relative |adj| a person connected by blood or marriage.
    8. "Much of my time is spent visiting relatives."

          More Family Relationship Related Terms

          1. family |n| a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage: friends and family can provide support.
          2. "Only her immediate family knew she had hear disease."
          3. genealogy |n| successive generations of kin.
          4. heritage |n| any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors.
          5. marriage / matrimony / union / spousal relationship / wedlock |n| a legally accepted relationship between a woman and a man in which they live as husband and wife, or the official ceremony which results in this.
          6. "They had a long and happy marriage."
          7. family member |n| a person who belongs to a (particular) family; a (close) relative.
          8. "Friends and family member recognized that something was wrong."
          9. "A family member who is not an EU citizen is obliged to possess at this time a valid travel document and an entry visa if required."
          10. "Are you or any family member applying because of an accident or injury that someone else might be responsible for?"

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