Vocabulary List Number 2 Version 3.0 with 56 elements integrated by 38 definitions, 8 thesaurus and 10 examples.
Preschool Education
- preschool |n| a school for children between the ages of about two and five.
- "She goes to preschool."
- nursery school |n| a small preschool for small children.
- "She works as an assistant in a nursery school."
- kindergarten 1 |n| a preschool for children aged 4 to 6 to prepare them for primary school.
- "His first day at kindergarten."
- kindergarten 2 |n| the first year of school, for children aged 5.
- "She is in kindergarten now."
- infant school |n| |UK| a school for children between the ages of four and seven years. It is usually a small school serving a particular locality.
- "James is in kindergarten now, but he's moving up to infant school this autumn."

Primary Education
a: United Kingdom
- primary school 1 |n| an institution in which children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as primary or elementary education.
- primary school 2 |n| children generally attend primary school from around the age of four or five until the age of eleven or twelve. In some places, primary schooling has historically further been divided between lower primary schools (LP schools) and Higher primary schools (HP schools).
- junior school |n| British school for children aged 7-11.
b: United States
- elementary school |n| is an institution where children receive the first stage of academic learning known as elementary or primary education.
- grade school |n| a school giving instructions in rudimentary subjects in six to eight grades, often with a kindergarten.
- grammar school |n| |old| a state-maintained secondary school providing an education with an academic bias for children who are selected by the eleven-plus examination.
Secondary Education
- secondary school |UK| a school that is intermediate in level between elementary school and college and that usually offers general, technical, vocational, or college-preparatory curricula.
- high school |US| a school that is intermediate in level between elementary school and college and that usually offers general, technical, vocational, or college-preparatory curricula.
- community college 1 |US| |n| a secondary school whose educational and recreational facilities are available to adults in the local community.
Post Secundary Education
- university |n| an institution of learning of the highest level, having a college of liberal arts and a program of graduate studies together with several professional schools, as of theology, law, medicine, and engineering, and authorized to confer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Continental European universities usually have only graduate or professional schools.
- "The idea that a university education is for everyone is a destructive myth."
- "His rapid success in the university raised higher hopes."
- "The university acquiesced and opened the first co-educational, graduate level medical school."
- college 1 |n| an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.
- college 2 |n| a constituent unit of a university, furnishing courses of instruction in the liberal arts and sciences, usually leading to a bachelor's degree.
- college 3 |n| an institution for vocational, technical, or professional instruction, as in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, or music, often a part of a university.
- college 4 |n| an endowed, self-governing association of scholars incorporated within a university, as at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England.
- "College can begin as early as families wish to do so."
- "Students come to universities with a remarkably materialistic view of what a college education can provide."
- community college 2 / junior college |US| |n| a college providing further and higher education for people living in a particular area.
- vocational university / professional university / applied technological university / college of higher vocational studies / university of applied sciences |n| an institution of higher education / sometimes research, which provides both tertiary and sometimes quaternary education and grants academic degrees at all levels (bachelor, master, and sometimes doctorate) in a variety of subjects.
- open university |UK| |n| a university that usually accepts students without formal qualifications and allows them to study from home, receiving and sending work by post, by email, or over the internet.
- post-graduate |n| school university for students studyin beyond degree level.
- school |n| a college or university.

Other Institutions
- boarding school |n| a school which provides accommodation and meals for the pupils during term time.
- college of further education 1 |n| |UK| these educational establishments offer courses leading to NVQs and other certificates and diplomas. Also includes training for professional qualifications in nursing, accountancy and management, and in fields such as art and music.
- college of further education 2 |n| |US| those offer any other education after secondary school. It can mean study at college, or any study towards a professional qualification, and it can have a meaning similar to that of adult education or continuing education, i.e. something that people do after completing their main education, often for personal interest and satisfaction. Also those colleges offer courses called "work-related courses" with advice from industry, with the aim of producing students who will have the skills employers require.
- vocational school / vocational college / trade school / career center |n| a type of educational institution, which, depending on country, may refer to secondary or post-secondary education designed to provide vocational education, or technical skills required to perform the tasks of a particular and specific job.
- technical college |n| a college of further education providing courses in a range of practical subjects, such as information technology, applied sciences, engineering, agriculture, and secretarial skills.

State and Private Schools
- private school 1 |UK| |n| an independent school supported wholly by the payment of fees.
- private school 2 |US| |n| a school supported by a private organization or private individuals rather than by the state.
- propietary schools |n| |US| a private for-profit school that provides education and training.
- public school 1 |UK| |n| a private fee-paying secondary school, especially one for boarders.
- public school 2 |US| / state school |n| a school supported by public funds.
- state school |n| a school that is funded and controlled by the state and for which no fees are charged.