April 13, 2014


Vocabulary List Number 3 Version 2.0 with 55 elements integrated by 38 definitions, 8 thesaurus and 10 examples.

        Main Definitions

  1. study 1 |n| the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge, especially from books.
  2. "My brother studies many books."
  3. study 2 |n| to learn about a subject at school, university etc.
  4. study 3 |n| a piece of work in which someone examines a particular subject in order to find out more about it and writes about that they have found.
  5. "Shakespeare is the subject of a new study by Anthony Bryan."
  6. "A new study shows that fewer students are studying science."
  7. studying 1 |v| reading carefully with intent to remember.
  8. "He is studying geology in his room."
  9. studying 2 |v| consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features of meaning.
  10. "Analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare."
  11. studying 3 |v| be a student of a certain subject.
  12. studies |pl| |n| a particular person's learning activities, for example at a college or university
  13. "Princeton's African American studies department."
  14. learn |v| to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience.
  15. "This article will help you learn how to find, organize, and use files and folders on your computer."
  16. "Learn how to get the most out of your new device and to use it safely."
  17. train |v| teach (a person or animal) a particular skill or type of behaviour through sustained practice and instruction.

        More about Study

  1. analyse/analyze |v| to examine the nature and structure of something, especially by separating it into this parts, in order to understand or explain.
  2. "The job involves gathering and analysing data."
  3. "He tried to analyse his feelings."
  4. do |v| |UK| |informal| to study a particular subject at school or university.
  5. "I can't decide whether to do German or Spanish next year."
  6. "Did you do computing at school?"
  7. discuss |v| to write or talk about something in detail, showing the different ideas and opinions about it.
  8. "This topic will be discussed at greater length in the next chapter."
  9. examine |v| to think about, study or describe an idea, subject or piece of work very carefully.
  10. "These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter 10."
  11. major in something |pv| |US| to study something as your main subject at a college or university.
  12. "Diane majored in psychology at the University of Washington."
  13. learn something by heart |figurative| to learn something so well that it can be written or recited without thinking; to memorize something.
  14. "The director told me to learn my speech by heart."
  15. "I had to go over it many times before I learned it by heart."
  16. flashcards |n| a card with words or numbers of pictures that is flashed to a class by the teacher.
  17. "The flashcard is cast back to the first one if your answer is not correct."
  18. "Fortunately, the more you know a flashcard, the more you can delay reviewing."
  19. "Another study technique is making flashcards that summarize some of the important facts or concepts."

        To Revise

  1. to revise |v| |UK| to study,  to prepare for an examination.
  2. "I'll be revising."
  3. "It's best to start revising early."
  4. "He's revising for his final exams."
  5. review |n| to examine something again, especially so that you can decide if it is necessary to make changes.
  6. "The government will review the situation later in the year."
  7. "I reviewed my notes before the exams."
  8. to cram |v| |informal| to study very hard and try to learn a lot of information just before an examination.
  9. "Everyone's cramming for their final exams."
  10. go over (something) |v| to repeat something in order to explain it or make sure it is correct.

         Scientific Study

  1. research |n| careful detailed work that is done in order to find out more about a subject, especially as a part of a scientific or academic project.
  2. "Billions of dollars have been spent on research into the causes and treatment of cancer." 
  3. "The University has for a long time a leading centre for research in this field."
  4. to research |v| to study something in a very detailed way, especially in order to discover new information about it.
  5. "He does research at Oxford University."
  6. "I'm doing research into second language learning."
  7. "It's difficult to do research on humans."
  8. experiment |n| a scientific test in order to find out what happens when you do something.
  9. "They carried out a series of experiments in order to try to prove their theory."

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