April 13, 2014


Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 7 Version 16.

        Main Definitions

  1. genealogy 1 |n| successive generations of kin.
  2. "This is not recent genealogy, but rather ancient lines of descent that began in Africa over 60,000 years ago."
  3. "Finally, the abolition of history was based on the axiom that universal history coincides with the genealogy of the West."
  4. genealogy 2 |n| the study or investigation of ancestry and family history.
  5. "These Mormons are very interested and involved in genealogy."
  6. "He is expected to know the genealogy and property boundaries of each family."
  7. family tree |n| a diagram showing the relationship between people in several generations of a family.
  8. “How far back can you trace your family tree?.”
  9. "But the moment he became president we started learning things about him, because building a person's family tree is hard work."
  10. "Give family homework assignments that require parent participation, such as making a family tree or writing down a favorite family story. "
  11. heraldry |n| the study and classification of armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies.
  12. "The staircase is at the far end of the hallway. It has a square layout and features a shield with the Ferrandell family heraldry and the date 1723."
  13. "A highlight here is the gothic-style heraldry (with the owners' coats of arms) and beast iconography."
  14. heritage |n| any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors.
  15. "Citizens have the right to the continuity of the city's living memory as expressed through its popular and traditional heritage."
  16. "Cultural monuments are part both of the history and identity of the communities in Kosovo and of the common heritage of the region."
  17. kinship / relationship |n| relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption.
  18. "There is often very little understanding of the communal and kinship ties that often exist in these settings."
  19. "It is based on ties of history, culture, language, ethnicity, kinship and geography."
  20. "I see a clear relationship between wolves and dogs."
  21. lienage |n| lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.
  22. "He can also claim lineage to Thyagaraja's direct disciples through various ancestors."
  23. "Other societies were organised according to lineages or the clan, with complex kinship systems which were linked, at the same time, to economic structures."

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