Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit Nº 6 Version 8.
Main Definitions
- hair 1 |n| the mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head.
- “He combed his hair.”
- “Her hair was short and dark.”
- “A short fat man with no hair on his head.”
- hair 2 |n| a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss.
- “Each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells.”
- hair 3 |n| any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal.

- root |n| a fine tubular outgrowth from a cell by which a young root absorbs blood.
- scalp |n| the skin covering the top and back of the head where the hair grows.
- follicle |n| one of the small holes in the skin that hairs grow from.
Wig and Implants
- hair extension |n| a length of human or y hair attached to the wearer’s own hair to create a longer or fuller style.
- “I’m thinking of having extensions because my hair gets to a certain length and then becomes so thin that you can see through it.”
- hairpiece |n| a length of false hair, or a wig covering only part of the head.
- “Unfortunately the hairpiece didn’t quite match the colour of her hair.”
- hair patch |n| part of someone’s head where there is no hair.
- “He combed his hair and tried to hide his bald patch.”
- toupée |n| an area of artifical hair, used to cover a bald part of your head.
- “The singer used to wear a toupée, and then decided to shave all his hair off.”
- wig |n| a piece of artificial hair that is worn on the head, for example to hide the fact that a person is.
- “Do you think it’s real, or is it wig?”
- hair implant |n| the insertion of synthetic fibers or human hair into the scalp to cover baldness.
- hair transplantation |n| a surgical procedure used to treat baldness or hair loss. Typically, tiny patches of scalp are removed from the back and sides of the head and implante d by in the bald spots in the front and top of the head.

Adjectives Related
- bald |adj| having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.
- disheveled (hair) / messy (hair) |adj| someone or something that is untidy, messy or unkempt. A person who has his hair uncombed, his shirt untucked and stains on his shirt is an example of someone who would be described as disheveled.
- hairy |adj| having a lot of hair, especially on parts of the body other than the head.
- hair cut |n| a cutting of the hair of the style in which this is done.
- hair do |n| a way in which someone’s hair is styled.
- hair style |n| a particular way of cutting and arranging the hair.
- hairline |n| a line made of hair.
Visual Gallery
DHI (Direct Hair Implant) is the latest and most advanced technique which has been introduced in India. In DHI lot of care is taken to extract hair follicles in the right manner and implanted too. All of this procedure is carried out manually by well trained and qualified doctors who are especially trained in the DHI technique. DHI in India has changed the way hair transplant is performed and people have a better and more advanced technique to choose from and with better results.