December 28, 2015


Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 278 Version 1


    1. ride |n| a journey made on horseback, on a bicycle or motorcycle, or in a vehicle. Syn: trip, journey, drive, run, excursion, outing, jaunt, road trip, lift
    2. "Did you enjoy your ride?"
    3. warm up |n| run until the normal working temperature is reached
    4. "We warmed up the car for a few minutes."
    5. slow paced |adj| proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired.
    6. "I didn't agree with him, but we continuel our journey at a slow pace."
    7. staying power |n| the ability to continue doing something difficult or turing until it is finished.
    8. "When you go on a journey with a horse you need staying power, he said."

            Elements Related to Riding

      1. sleigh |n| a sled drawn by horses or reindeer, especially one used for passengers.
      2. "Dog sleds and horse drawn sleighs are also available."
      3. "On the day before Christmas I went to the stable in the village to hire a horse and sleigh for the trip."
      4. barn |n| an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals. 
      5. "Come in, she said. "I heard the sleigh bells.. Did you put your horse in the barn?""
      6. stable |n| a building set apart and adapted for keeping horses.
      7. "They walked their horses back to the stables and then handed them off to the stable boys."

              About Horses

      1. fast |n| moving or capable of moving at high speed.
      2. "Now I said, what we should have is a fast horse, so that we can reach our destination before the storm."
      3. pony |n| a horse of a small breed, especially one whose height at the withers is below 14 hands 2 inches (58 inches).
      4. "He conducted his study using 62 horses and ponies of mixed breeds, from Cob to Connemara, aged between two and 30 years of age."
      5. roan |n| denoting an animal, especially a horse or cow, having a coat of a main color thickly interspersed with hairs of another color, typically bay, chestnut, or black mixed with white.
      6. "He was a big roan, powerful and steady, but he wasn't very fast."
      7. "Gualtero rounded the corner leading the horses - his palomino stallion, Sullivan's buckskin mare, and a third horse, a roan mare with a creamy blond mane and tail."
      8. strong |n| having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
      9. "What we need is a strong horse that can take us there whether there is a storm or not."
      10. trotter |n| a horse that has been trained to trot in races.
      11. "A fast trotter is okay for a mile or two, but if you have to go into the country in winter, I prefer a house like this."

            Related Posts

      1. Animals in General
      2. Mammals
      3. Travel

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