Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit NÂș 285 v.05
Main Definitions
- government 1 |n| the separation of powers between the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary.
- "Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision."
- "She has resigned from the Government."
- "The present government was elected last year."
- government 2 |n| a form or system of government.
- "Most people in the country support the return to democratic government."
- "Local government."
- "Central government."
- government 3 |n| the process or way of governing in government.
- "What would the opposition do if they were in government."
- "The importance of good government in developing countries."
- "The executive the part of the government that makes sure that laws and decisions work well."
- administration |n| the government of a country, especially one such as the US, which is led by a president.
- "The Kennedy administration."
- "The problems left by the previous adminstration."
- cabinet |n| the group of important politicians who run the different departments in a government, for example education, health etc, and advise the leader of the government.
- "The Prime Minister has offered Stroud a position in the cabinet."the authorities |pl noun| the people or organizations that have the power to decide what people are allowed to do in a country or area.
- "The country is facing famine, and the authorities are doing little to prevent it."
- the executive |n| the part of the government that makes sure that laws and decisions work well.
- "The separation of powers between the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary."
- "In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive."
- "Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary."
- congress |n| the group of people elected to make laws in the US, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
- "Hirsch doubts Congress will accept the president’s proposal."
- "Congress rejected a measure that would make it easier for low-income workers to get health insurance."
- partliament |n| the group of people who are elected to make and change the laws of a country.
- "New budget measures were approved Tuesday by the Russian parliament."
- "Elections for the European parliament are set for late next year."
- senate |n| the smaller and more important of the two parts of the parliament of the USA."
- "Bradley was elected to the Senate in 1978."
- "If approved by the Senate, the bill would make it harder to purchase handguns."

Government Systems
- democracy |n| a political system in which everyone can vote to choose the government, or a country that has this system.
- "The transition to democracy has not been easy."
- "In a democracy, people have freedom of speech.
- dictatorship / undemocratic government |n| a political system or country that has a dictator.
- "Argentina was a military dictatorship until 1983."
- "In 1971, the country’s 10 year military dictatorship came to an end."
- "Ethiopia’s dictatorship was toppled by Eritrean and Ethiopian rebels."
- junta |n| a government run by a small group of army officers who have not been elected but have taken power by force.
- "All the opponents of the junta have been murdered or imprisoned."
- monarchy |n| the system of having a king or queen as the head of state, or a country that has this system.
- "Some monarchies have elected governments."
- "Controversy about the institution of monarchy undemocratic government."
- police state |n| a country where the government strictly controls people’s freedom, for example to travel or to talk about politics.
- "It’s like living in a police state."
- "The country is a police state and the media is controlled by the government."
- "The Home Secretary denied that the introduction of identity cards would lead to a police state."
- regime |n| a government, especially one that was not elected fairly or that you disapprove of.
- "Most people opposed the apartheid regime."
- "The military regime refused to recognize the elections."
- "The US supported several right-wing regimes in central America."
- republic |n| a country that has an elected government, and is led by a president, not a king or queen.
- "Mauritius became a republic in 1992."
- rule of law |n| the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.
- "When military dictators fall, the democrats who follow them must try to restore the rule of law,"
- "Democracy cannot exist without the rule of law."
- "That means strengthening the rule of law."
- "They include consolidating the rule of law and strengthening government institutions."
- "Strengthening the rule of law is a core benchmark."
- the authorities |pl noun| the people or organizations that have the power to decide what people are allowed to do in a country or area.
- totalitarian |adj| [only before noun] used for describing countries in which ordinary people have no power and the government has complete control over everything.
- "Totalitarian states such as Nazi Germany."
- "A totalitarian dictatorship."

Terms Related to Government
- autonomy |n| a degree of freedom that is less than complete independence.
- big government |n| a negative term, used mainly by conservatives to describe government programs in areas where they believe government shouldn't be involved, especially those that spend money on social problems.
- coalition |n| a temporary alliance, especially of political parties forming a government.
- self-government / self-determination / formal autonomy / sovereignty 1 |n| complete power to govern a country.
- "The country claimed sovereignty over the island."
- "In 1949 the Dutch ceded sovereignty of the Dutch East Indies to the Indonesian Republic."
- "Two countries have a claim to sovereignty over the islands."
- leadership |n| the leader of a government and the other people in high positions of power.
- "He will challenge Sinclair for the leadership of the Liberal Party."
- "The collapse of European communism in the late 1980s shocked the Chinese leadership."
- self-government / self-determination / formal autonomy / sovereignty 1 |n|
- sovereignty 2 |n| the state of being a country with freedom to govern itself.
- "The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic."
- "Demonstrators demanded full sovereignty for the self-proclaimed republic."
- independence |n| a complete freedom for a whole country from outside political control.
- "Independence came to the British colonial territories in Africa in the late fifties and early sixties."
- "Mexico achieved independence from Spain in 1821."
- "Namibia became a full member of the UN at independence."
- national symbol / symbol / patriotic symbol |n| a symbol of any entity considering itself and manifesting itself to the world as a national community, the sovereign states but also nations and countries in a state of colonial or other dependence, federal integration, or ethemven an ethnocultural community considered a 'nationality' despite having no political autonomy.

Government Activities
- government watchdog group / government watchdog / watchdog |n| an organization a group that watches the activities of a particular part of government in order to report illegal acts or problems.
- "The director of Common Cause, a government watchdog group, said the court's action "raises questions of favoritism."
- dictator |n| a leader who has complete power and who has not been elected.
- leader |n| a leader is the one in the charge, the person who convinces other people to follow. A great leader inspires confidence in other people and moves them to action.

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